01 May 2024


Purchase of trucks with the financial support of the Universal Postal Union to "Azerpocht" LLC:



Name of the goods

Technical indicators

Unit quantity

Unit of measure

Price quote




It is mentioned in Appendix 1














Note 1: The prices should include delivery within the city of Baku.

Note 2: Prices should include State Traffic Police (number, registration and other costs) and compulsory insurance costs.

Note 3: The technical indicators of all offered equipment should be noted.


Payment terms

Yes / no


Advance request



The applicant's ability to provide a bank guarantee for the initial payment



Technical criteria


Delivery and warranty period of goods

Date (year and month)


Delivery time



Service response time


After receiving the information





Documents required to participate in the competition request:


1.   A certificate from the relevant tax authority on the absence of overdue obligations regarding taxes and other mandatory payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as non-fulfillment of the taxpayer's duties established by the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the last year (not taking into account the period of suspension of activity);

2.   A copy of the financial statement approved by the tax authorities about the applicant's activity in the last year;

3.   Bank statement on the applicant's financial situation during the last year;

4.   Bidder's full name, legal status, notarized copy of charter, country of registration and details;

5.   Similar experience of the bidder (the period of activity of the bidder in this area). Letters of recommendation from companies served by the bidder and with which he cooperates;

6.   Certificates of conformity of the goods (equipment) to be presented by the bidder;

7.   A document on the availability of goods in the warehouse to be presented by the bidder;

8.   Document on the period (at least 1 year) for which the bidder will provide technical support (technical guarantee and support) for the goods (works and services) to be provided (technical guarantee and support) must be taken into account when the price offer is made.



Commercial terms:


·       The price offer should take into account clearance costs (State Traffic Police - STP), taxes, delivery. If an order is placed, preference will be given to the company that accepts the condition that 80% of the contract amount will be paid by bank transfer within 15 calendar days after 100% delivery of products/works/services and 20% later.

·       Proposals must include all necessary costs (transport, insurance, tax, etc.), value added tax must be shown on a separate line.

·       Preference will be given to the company showing the tender offer and payment currency in Azerbaijani manat.

·       The bidder who has fully met the requirements of the set of conditions of the tender request and offered the most acceptable price will be declared the winner and a purchase contract will be concluded with him according to the sample attached to the set of conditions. The winning bidder must sign the contract within 5 banking days after receiving it and provide a bank guarantee for the amounts to be paid in advance, valid until the completion of the project.


Proposals for the tender request, with the name and address of the enterprise, TIN: number, the name of the competition ("Truck"), in sealed double-sealed envelopes with the words "Original" and "Copy" indicated, should be submitted to the address of Uzeyir Hajibeyli Street 72 (room 308), Baku until August 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Other documents specified in the "Set of Terms" should be attached to the proposals. Envelopes submitted after this time will be returned unopened. Candidates will not be accepted as bidders if the above-mentioned documents are not submitted along with the price proposal.

Bid envelopes will be opened on "02" "August" 2024 at 4:00 PM at the above address. Bidders who wish to conduct the bid opening event online (via "Zoom meeting") should apply for this before the opening day.


For more information about the contest request, please contact us at 72, Uzeyir Hajibeyli Street, Baku City, or contact us by phone (+99412) 493 56 00 (internal:370) (contact person: Elshan Aliyev, eialiyev@azerpost.az)