Receiving and dispatch of bandages
In simple, custom-made wrappers, only print media (blank, brochures, posters), periodicals, artistic and other literature are sent. International, simple and customized packages are sent to polygraphic products, maps, samples, catalogs, brochures, reproductions and other products on paper, cardboard or other materials used for printing. The items that are in the range of up to 500 grams, depending on the peculiarities of the interior of the objects, are sent to the gloves, boxes, envelopes, pliable bags, jaws lanterns or other lanterns. The furniture inside the fan can be rolled like a trowel, with the rod being more than 45 cm long. If some items are sent in the bathroom, then these objects are threaded together and then covered with a cloth. Its weight is up to 500 grams, but it also lacks the edge of the cloth. When a citizen receives a valid and valid qualification certificate, F103 is drawn up by the sender indicating the serial number, the assignment, and the description of the user. The Pole Officer brings a smashing effect to the criticisms. After stripping the barcode on the flipchart, it is processed into the RPM. Another copy of the barcode is pasted to the customer by placing it on the receipt printed on the RPM. A single payment receipt is printed on a serial basis. The receipt appears on the "Hara" line with the sampling filed on politics. In the "Who" line, the word "Siyaha" is used, and the calendar will be scanned as soon as the receipt is signed by the employee.